Dreamer                             Larry Tipton

Larry Tipton

I was born in California and raised on a small farm near the Napa Valley. My elementary school teachers warned my parents that I rarely paid attention in class, always wanting to stare out the windows and see what was there. Along with twenty-five years in the high desert of Arizona, I’ve held many diverse occupations such as copper miner, nuclear power plant specialist, and scientist. With Bachelor and Master’s degrees in science I enjoy using my research skills in crafting fiction with provocative/twisty plots and interesting characters for thrillers, murder mysteries, and more. My little RV is always itching to see new asphalt, backroads, visit the grandkids, and hear what my imaginary travel companion, Dash, thinks about the people we meet and the world we see. Does your mind fascinate but frighten you sometimes? Mine does. Join me and see the stories it writes.

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Best Seller

The Proof

An ancient artifact, lost for centuries but long-thought to exist, could be the flashpoint for an ideological world war. What do you do if you don’t know that and it’s just dropped into your lap? Emily Hutchens, a newly-minted Ph.D. archaeologist, is just starting her post-doc fellowship at the British Museum in London—her life-long dream. Her well-ordered life is suddenly turned upside down when the death of a beloved relative in Arizona presents her with a priceless and much sought-after ancient artifact. Thus begins a global adventure involving academe, science, religion, antiquities trading, organized crime, deception and intrigue.As Emily unravels the mystery behind the artifact, others too have become aware of this enormously important object. She faces dangers on many fronts. Who should she trust? How can she protect herself and her family from those who will stop at nothing to gain its possession? As she comes to fully understand the dire implications of her ancient artifact, she must choose what to do with it. Should she destroy it? Hide it? Deny its existence? Or, should she just hand it over and let the chips fall where they may? Its truth could be disastrous to a fundamental part of humanity.

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Death of the Dreamweaver

Claire Ryan believes she has finally come to grips with the psychological damage caused by her birth defect. With the help of her best friend, Megan, she’s hoping her bad relationship decisions are behind her. She is eager to start her new career as a Boston lawyer, but her plan is derailed when she must go to a small village in southern Ireland and sell the small sheep farm of her reclusive, murdered aunt. She figures this should be a quick and easy trip – she’s wrong. Once there, Claire faces unexpected obstacles: her aunt’s murderer is still at large; the superstitious village folks who believe the aunt was killed by vengeful fairies; the aunt’s secret diary that has the power to reach into Claire’s soul; and the irresistible allure of the charming local schoolteacher.

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God Spark

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